
Hacked By Anonymous

When we all have access to information, we are strong. When we are strong, we still have the power to do the impossible.
We do things that we do for the people, not for our own benefit as a fame.
Promises and lies, brought us down, not forward
We say, you are an idea, just like us, just like us, Anonymous is the community

We Are Legion, We Do Not Forgive, We Do Not Forget, Expect Us!



Hacked By Anonymous

When we all have access to information, we are strong. When we are strong, we still have the power to do the impossible.
We do things that we do for the people, not for our own benefit as a fame.
Promises and lies, brought us down, not forward
We say, you are an idea, just like us, just like us, Anonymous is the community

We Are Legion, We Do Not Forgive, We Do Not Forget, Expect Us!

Bahaya Phising Pada Bank Cimb Niaga

Tentunya kali ini saya akan bahas tentang kasus phising  Bank Cimb Niaga.
Sepertinya kasus phising tetap merajelela (saya juga 100%tak percaya internet banking itu 100 percent aman).
Berikut tekniknya:
1. Si phisher akan mengirim email mengatas nama kan cs dari bank tersebut untuk mengaktifkan kembali akun yang bermasalah.

2. Jika kita klik ternyata sertifikatnya palsu

3. Kita akan diredirect ke menu login nya (fake login)

Dan setelah kita sukses login ternyata
4. Akun anda sudah diproses kembali atau akun anda akan dicatat dilog, untuk disimpan bersama korban yang lain. Percayalah account anda telah di intip oleh pencuri dan suatu saat  akan raib isinya!

Saran: Jangan terlalu percaya siapapun dinternet jika anda tak ingin jadi korban.
Kalaupun anda mau aman sebaiknya anda telpon dulu pihak bank tersebut

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